AVL Support Knowledge Base

Lighting Fixture Reset: Malfunctioning Lighting Fixture

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Performing a global reset can help solve many small issues that occur with lighting fixtures. When something is out of the ordinary with a lighting fixture, a great first solution to try is a global reset.

Video Walkthrough:
  • Right click on the desired fixture
  • Hover the mouse over "Macro" in the drop down menu, and select "Reset."

Click "Ok" in the pop up menu and verify the fixture is resetting.

Verify that the fixture is resetting by looking to see if it blacks out, and begins to spin around slowly.


If the fixture did not black out and start spinning slowly, there is still a chance for it to work. Please follow the steps below to correct this and reset the fixture:


Verify the fixture in question is selected. If it is outlined in yellow, it's selected.

If the fixture is not already selected, just click on it once and it will highlight yellow, indicating that it is now selected.

Look at the top left of the Vista window; the patch view is opened by clicking the square pictured above. This square may resemble the iconic puzzle game "connect the dots."

With the Patch Window Open, Change the Macro Timing:

Click the right arrow highlighted below to scroll through the tabs until you see "Macros".

Once the "Macros" tab is viewable, select it. Change the last number in the Reset area from 2000 to 10000.

Now, the Reset timing should show "17@205#10000".

Try resetting the fixture once more after this setting has changed; the fixture should go black and start spinning slowly.

If the lighting fixtures are still causing issues after following these steps, please submit a ticket:

Use this form to submit a Help Desk ticket.

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