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Microphone is not heard through speakers in Loop/Konnect

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We've all been here. The frustrating moment when the Mic is on but you cannot figure out why your voice is not coming out of the speakers. This article will go over a few settings to check on the mic and audio mixer to help get volume out of the speakers.

Check system power

The easiest way to check this starts at the rack that is below the desk. At the top of the rack, look for a green dot on the power conditioner. This is labeled "1" in the picture below. If this is not lit up, flip the power switch next to the light to turn the power conditioner on.

The next indicator is the LynTec power light. LynTec controls most of the A/V system power in each room. The rack will have a "Fire It Up" button, an On button, or yours may be controlled by a light switch. Make sure that the light switch is in the On position, the green On button is lit, or if you have a "Fire It Up" button, go ahead and push that button just to double check that LynTec is all powered up.

Check Microphone Power


Look at the small screen towards the antenna end of the mic (the end that is not spoken into). If the screen is blank, find the red power button on the end of the microphone and hold it for 2 seconds.


If the microphone does not turn on, refer to the article: Replacing wireless handheld batteries and then try again.


Look at the screen on the beltpack. If the screen is blank, open the battery compartment and hold the On/Off button for 2 seconds.

If the beltpack does not turn on, replace the batteries and try again.

Check Microphone Receiver Power

Look for two orange screens in the middle of the rack. If they are not lit up, press the Power Button on each to turn them on

These are microphone receivers. A wireless microphone sends a signal out of the built-in antenna and is received by these units.   The receivers then output to the mixer that controls how loud each of the mics are.

Verify that both microphone cables are securely plugged into the back of the audio mixer.

Use the image below to reference which cables to check.

Verify that they are not loose or unplugged

Make sure that the microphone volume, and master volume are up on the sound mixer

Below is an example of the mixer that we use.

If the three knobs that are boxed in yellow are not at twelve o'clock, please turn them up slowly.

Pro TIp: When turning these knobs up, turn the master up first, then talk into the mics as you turn the corresponding knob up slowly. This will help you to keep an eye on the volume as you turn them up, as a precaution so that the mic does not feedback, or screech.

Make sure that the frequency numbers match.

Look at the microphone receiver that corresponds with the label or name on the mic in question. There should be a 6 digit number (ex. 782.100MHz) showing on the screen.



Look at the small screen on the handheld mic. If it does not show a number, push the scroll wheel up or down until you see a 6 digit number. 

Do they match? If so, it should be working, and you should see the AF meter jump on the left side of the receiver screen when you talk into the mic. If the meter is not moving when you talk into the mic, re-sync the mic to the receiver. Refer to the article Syncing a Sennheiser Device to learn how to correctly sync the mic to the receiver.


If the numbers do not match, please refer to THIS article to correctly re-sync the HandHeld and receiver.

If the handheld and receiver are not synced and you have to re-sync them, please make sure to let the Central Tech Team know by submitting a Help Desk Ticket. This awareness will allow us to investigate for any other issues that could have cause the handheld to change frequency, and eliminate the probability of this happening again in the future.


Look at the small screen on the beltpack. If it does not show a number, push one the little arrows underneath the screen up or down until you see a 6 digit number.

Do they match? If so, they are "Synced", and you should see the AF meter jump on the left side of the receiver screen when you talk into the mic. If the meter is not moving when you talk into the mic, re-sync the mic to the receiver. Refer to the article Syncing a Sennheiser Device to learn how to correctly sync the mic to the receiver.

If the numbers do not match, please refer to THIS article to correctly re-sync the beltpack and receiver.

If the beltpack and receiver are not synced and you have to re-sync them, please make sure to let the Central Tech Team know by submitting a Help Desk Ticket. This awareness will allow us to investigate for any other issues that could have cause the handheld to change frequency, and eliminate the probability of this happening again in the future.

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