AVL Support Knowledge Base

Patching on QL5/CL5 via wall plate

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This article is a walkthrough of how to properly add an input on the sound console using the wall plates, whether you have a CL5 or a QL5. If needed, you can patch into the back of these consoles.

1. Gather Supplies:

Some instruments sound best in stereo, which will require 2 channels. Keyboards and Drum Pads are a couple of examples of stereo instruments.

Supplies Needed:

  • XLR cable (Shown Below) for every input you want to add.
  • When using an instrument with only 1/4" outputs, you will need a DI box for every input being added.


Notice the Stereo DI box in the picture below. This provides 2 channels of conversion with only one box to help keep things clean and simple.

In most cases, patching will occur on the stage for this process. If it is preferred for gear to be located in the Front of House tech booth, then please refer to our article Patching into the back of the console.

2. Plug it in:

A. After choosing the stage location for the instrument, find an open audio tie-line on the wall plate behind that side of the stage.

B. After choosing the location and tie-line, run the XLR as neatly as possible from the instrument or DI box to the wall plate and plug it in to the desired tie-line.

C. Take note of the number above the tie-line where the cord was plugged into, and walk back to the amp room. 

D. In the Amp room, find the corresponding number on the snake tail (shown below), and plug into an RIO or TIO.


Make sure to take note of the number that is above the port that you plugged into on the RIO or TIO.

If using a TIO, also take note of which TIO was used. This will help when you get back to the console. 

E.g. Top TIO (1), Middle TIO (2), or Bottom TIO (3). 

3. Patch at the Console:

A. Head back to the console and select an open channel for the new input.

Please try your best to keep instrument groups together. For example: when adding a guitar, try keeping it near other existing guitar channels.

B. On the selected channel, press the gray box that is just to the right of the gain knob on the screen. If the channel is completely empty, this box will say "----". If something has been patched by default, this box will show a "Dante-(number)".

C. Select the correct Dante input for the channel by pressing the input square.

Notice the small numbers (Y001-001) under the Dante input number. If using a QL5/TIO setup, this is a great indicator of which TIO input you should select.

For example:

Y001-001 = Top TIO, input 1.

Y002-009 = Middle TIO, input 9.

Y003-016 = Bottom TIO, input 16.


D. Before exiting the menu completely, name the channel by tapping on the text box displaying the channel name.

Lastly, if using a stereo instrument, ensure your channels are linked. If you using a mono (one channel) instrument, make sure they are unlinked. If you do not know how to link channels, click here for instructions on linking channels.


Great job! Everything is patched and ready for a FOH engineer to dial in gain, EQ, and dynamics.

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