Dante Controller allows you to save all of your patch settings between audio devices. This article will cover how to save and load presets in this software.
Start by verifying that all of your audio devices are routed correctly by testing the inputs and outputs of each device. Once verified, be sure that all your labeling is correct between subscriptions. If you're unsure how to label your inputs in Controller... do we have an article for you.
Now that everything has been routed correctly, it is time to save your preset.
Press File > Save Preset (or Cmd+S). You will arrive at a menu asking you what devices should be included in the file. You'll want to save the settings for all of your devices by selecting the "All" button.
Pressing Advanced near the bottom of the Save Preset screen will extend the window. You will now see a list of parameters that you can choose to include or skip over in the save file.
After all of the above has been completed, you can now choose a name for the preset and where it will live on the machine.
Your preset will have been saved as an XML file, which is simply a text file that contains information and data. Go to File > Load Preset, or just press Cmd+L. The file explorer will open, and that will be your time to select the preset you would like to open.
Upon opening the preset file, you will be brought to this screen in Dante Controller:
From left to right, this menu will:
- Give you another chance to select which parameters you want reflected in the preset you are about to open.
- Allow you to select which devices in the current routing will be which in the recalled preset.
- Show any issues that could affect the loading process.
When you're finished selecting the desired parameters, press "Ok" near the bottom of the screen. Now you can sit tight while all the settings of your preset are being loaded into Dante Controller.
Nice work! Now you know how to save and recall presets in Dante Controller.