This article will provide best practices on swapping a Sennheiser handheld transmitter at any Life.Church location.
Swap Capsules:
When your new transmitter arrives, it will already have a capsule attached. At Life.Church, we use a few different capsules. Since different models sound different, we want to make sure the capsule stays with the location and seat, not the base.
Grip the original mic by using one hand on the capsule and one hand the body.
Twist the capsule, unscrewing it where the capsule meets the base until it disconnects, as shown below.
Repeat the process with the replacement microphone, ensuring that the original capsule remains in its location with the replacement microphone base.
Match Sensitivity:
Please check the sensitivity of the replacement transmitter and match it to the original transmitter. Please refer to our article Adjusting Handheld Sensitivity for a step-by-step guide on how to change the sensitivity..
Sync the Transmitter to the Corresponding Receiver:
Please refer to our article Syncing A Sennheiser Wireless Device for a step-by-step guide on how to sync the transmitter to the receiver.
Test It:
Walk out to front of house and unmute the channel that the mic is patched through. If you hear audio, everything is good to go!