AVL Support Knowledge Base

Stage Display Troubleshooting

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Sometimes ProPresenter and the stage display have some trouble talking. This article will provide steps that can help to get signal back to the stage display.

What does the "S.D./CAM" preview on the multiview tv display?

***The multiview TV is the TV right in front of the Ross video switcher.***

Was last weekend a Baptism weekend?

Verify router patching using Ross DashBoard

This application should be in the desktop dock on the ProPresenter computer. If not, just look in the applications folder for "dashboard".

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Call for help!

Please reach out in TEAMS, using the weekend support 911 channel, or call the Tech Helpdesk at (405)-216-2846.

Is Lyntec power turned on?

Verify router patching using Ross DashBoard

This application should be in the desktop dock on the ProPresenter computer. If not, just look in the applications folder for "dashboard".

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Call for help!

Please reach out in Teams, using the weekend support 911 channel, or call the Tech Helpdesk at (405)-216-2846.

Please hit the LynTec ON button found on a video rack and wait for the system to power up

Did that bring signal to the stage display?

Call for help!

Please reach out in TEAMS, using the weekend support 911 channel, or call the Tech Helpdesk at (405)-216-2846.

Restart the ProPresenter application

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Please try a whole LynTec reboot!

If you are unsure of how to shut lyntec off and turn it back on, please ask your Worship Pastor for some help!

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Call for help!

Please reach out in Teams, using the weekend support 911 channel, or call the Tech Helpdesk at (405)-216-2846.

Verify that display mirroring is turned off

Click on the apple in the top left hand corner of the desktop and select system preferences from the dropdown list. 

Are we working with ProPresenter 6 or ProPresenter 7?

Verify that Stage Display is "enabled" in ProPresenter 6 Preferences

Was the "Stage Display enable" box checked?

Uncheck Enable Stage Display and re-check the box

Doing this may seem a bit redundant, but we promise, it has solved this issue in the past!

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Let's try to trick ProPresenter by re-assigning the Stage Display output.

Did that bring signal back to the stage display?

Call for help!

Please reach out in TEAMS, using the weekend support 911 channel, or call the Tech Helpdesk at (405)-216-2846.

Let's try to trick ProPresenter by re-assigning the Stage Display output.

ProPresenter 7 content coming soon!

Congratulations, you are done!
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